Friday, January 17, 2020


My 53 years old idea of praying is tremendously different than my 10-year-old prayers, my 16-year-old prayers, and even my 27-year-old prayers. Those 16-year-old prayers were such a temporary 911 alarm type of prayer and it modeled the selfishness I was living out during that time in my life.  As if to petition my own self-created "god in a box."  I would pull Him out - just to answer my every little whim.  Or I may have pulled Him out only WHEN I was afraid. Or while needing something that was never meant to fill my heart. Through the years as I read His WORD, I have come to know Him so personally.  In such a way that was not evident at 10, 16, and even 27. It was just another step of learning the ropes.


Prayer is a love language between you and your Heavenly Father.  Prayer exemplifies a relationship between the two of you. A humbled dependency upon the One who created you. Prayer is a PRIVILEGE. It is also one that I am growing in. There is freedom in Christ and when I read His WORD I grow in my confidence of who He is and how much more I really need Him. In I Thessalonians 5:17 - it teaches us to pray without ceasing.  Do not give up and continue strong. Just as the runner stays his course, so must we in our faithful prayers. His love for you and me does not waver. Thank you, Jesus, for loving us and teaching us how to pray.




My 53 years old idea of praying is tremendously different than my 10-year-old prayers, my 16-year-old prayers, and even my 27-year-old praye...