Monday, January 13, 2014

Speak In LOVE

One of the greatest lessons my Father taught me - was to speak well and speak in LOVE. Idle words are careless words.  For over a week now, I've looked at the following scripture on my desk: "She opens her mouth in wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue." Proverbs 31:26 Seems like everywhere I turn - sarcasm is the "star" of the show. Whether it's on tv or just in a conversation.   It's the accepted "norm" anymore.  To be honest - words hurt. Once those words are spoken, they are like floating feathers - scattered to land anywhere. 
Let's be honest, it takes work to speak well - it means a "slowing down" a bit. It also means - putting others before ourselves. I heard a long time ago - it's much easier to pull someone down - rather than to pull someone up. Let's use our words well and build one other up. Tearing down is quick and can lead to emptiness. Building up takes time. Let's slow down, think about what we are saying. Encourage one another. Hold fast to what God has called us to do.


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