Sunday, November 10, 2019

Wait Upon the LORD

Waiting. Praying. Waiting. Sounds like zero to me. As if I were sitting in the middle of a freeway, in a rocker, watching the cars ride by while the sun rises and sets, as the weather comes and goes.  Feels like nothing being accomplished. However, what's really taking place when we learn to lay the things of this world down before God and pray. Really pray. In the book of Daniel 10 ... there was a delay.  Scripture indicates that Daniel's prayer was heard by God on the first day he prayed. Nonetheless, there was a delay.  There was an agent of the devil that caused a delay of 21 days.  Then, Daniel was told by the messenger that he was "loved by God." Sometimes, there are reasons for delay.  Many times in which we cannot see.  Stay strong and continually believe that God is working on your behalf. There are things that take place during the waiting. Shaping. Molding. Changing. Sharpening.  All for His purposes. All for His glory. For your benefit.  


My 53 years old idea of praying is tremendously different than my 10-year-old prayers, my 16-year-old prayers, and even my 27-year-old praye...