Friday, March 18, 2016

Isaiah 6:3

Yesterday was run day. Meaning - errands to the bank, grocery store, gymnastics, Wal Mart - just a typical day that was full with busyness. The whole day my heart, soul, and mind continued to lean towards the LORD and HE knows my heart. I'm a home body that loves quietness and peace. It's a sure fire way to hear from the LORD. No radio. No tv. No nothing... how I love my Word spread out on the counter as I look thru the Bibles and compare the translations. As I was on the way to another stop ... I ran into this ...

My heart was so grateful and  in an instant - He knew my love language ... meaning I'm missing my peace and quiet time with Him and the day has been too hectic for my liking. So He loves on me with His glory. 

When Isaiah came into His full awareness of his sin - he saw himself with unclean lips. I have been there. I have also witnessed God's love, grace,  mercy and forgiveness first hand. There's no choice but to render your heart to Him once you've experienced His love. When I saw this sky yesterday - I was ushered into His presence and the fullness of joy overflowed. "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory." Isaiah 6:3

When I see this beautiful sky - His glory is present. The whole earth is full of His glory and images such as this - is living proof. I pray that He continues to reveal Himself to you ... day by day. 


My 53 years old idea of praying is tremendously different than my 10-year-old prayers, my 16-year-old prayers, and even my 27-year-old praye...