Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Joshua 1:9

This is a year old story that somehow never got published...

Sometimes ... a person can hear the SAME thing OVER and OVER for years and NEVER fully "get it" OR totally understand it - UNTIL he or she really experiences it for themselves. As I began my day, inside our new dwelling, laundry beckons my call, boxes stacked up everywhere needs to be opened and put away, not SURE if I can find clothes to wear to work, I came thru the bedroom and caught a perfect glimpse of a beautiful moon setting ... I felt the LORD drawing me near. I turned off all the lights, sat down on my chest I moved in front of the bedroom window ... I watched the moon "set" in the East. I remember as a little girl - my Daddy would say "the sun rises in the east and sets in the west"... aha - this girl "gets" it. The one thing that stuck out ... as I looked at the moon - there was a perfect CROSS right in the middle of it. Now ... I wasn't in all the smart classes at school - so "scientifically" + I'm not sure what caused that .... but I know enough about the LORD Jesus to know when He is pulling me near to give this over spent body, soul, and mind a "perfect rest" in Him before any other junk has time to rise. As the moon was sliding down on this side of the earth I thought I would let you know the LORD was bringing it over to you now ... Joshua 1:9 resounds in my heart this morning... Be strong and courageous do not fear for I am always with you ... He is with me on this prairie and He is with you among souls that desperately need Him... stay strong.


My 53 years old idea of praying is tremendously different than my 10-year-old prayers, my 16-year-old prayers, and even my 27-year-old praye...